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 Please find the appropriate category that suits you and select 'register'. 

You will be redirected to an external website for registration.



2021 Fee pricing & structure listed below

Returning Player


If you have previously played for Nerimbera or another club, register here.

Registration of Intent to Trial

To register your intent to trial at a Football Queensland Affiliated Club if you were NOT registered as a player to ANY Football Federation Australia Affiliated Club in 2020.

New Player


If you have never played for a club and are new to the sport, register here.

Kick Off


12 week program commencing Wednesday 24 March 2021 for ages 3-5

5:15pm - 6:00pm




Coach, Manager Committee

If you are a 2021 coach, manager or committee member, register here.


2021 Fee Structure

Kick Off (3-5yrs)



5:15pm - 6:00pm


commencing 24/03/21

12 sessions



Miniroos (U'6-U'11)

Total $210.00



FFA Fee: $14.00

FQ Fee: $38.00

CQ Zone Fee: $110.00

Club Fee: $48.00


Fundraising Levy:

$100 individual

$150 per family.

Optional fee - conditions apply.

Junior Competitive

Total $240.00



FFA Fee: $14.00

FQ Fee: $38.00

CQ Zone Fee: $110.00

Club Fee: $​78.00


Fundraising Levy:

$100 individual

$150 per family.

Optional fee - conditions apply.

Senior Men & Women


TOTAL: $430.00



FFA Fee: $33.00

FQ Fee: $85.50

CQ Zone Fee: $110.00

Club Fee: $201.50


Fundraising Levy:

$100 individual

$150 per family.

Optional fee - conditions apply.

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